Friday, July 31, 2009

One more book to add to the list.

American Gods by Neil Gaman. I really don't think Neil Gaiman can do any wrong. Review
American Gods is Neil Gaiman's best and most ambitious novel yet, a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn't sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he's been delivering since his Sandman days.

Shadow gets out of prison early when his wife is killed in a car crash. At a loss, he takes up with a mysterious character called Wednesday, who is much more than he appears. In fact, Wednesday is an old god, once known as Odin the All-father, who is roaming America rounding up his forgotten fellows in preparation for an epic battle against the upstart deities of the Internet, credit cards, television, and all that is wired. Shadow agrees to help Wednesday, and they whirl through a psycho-spiritual storm that becomes all too real in its manifestations. For instance, Shadow's dead wife Laura keeps showing up, and not just as a ghost--the difficulty of their continuing relationship is by turns grim and darkly funny, just like the rest of the book.

Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow's road story is the heart of the novel, and it's here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. "This is a bad land for Gods," says Shadow.

This was definitely a fantastical book. The story is never too unbelievable and I found myself swept up in the struggle between the new and old gods. The idea that these gods are still among us is enticing. Neil Gaiman has fast become one of my favorite authors. And following him on twitter is fun too. I have to say that I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
Now I must go add this to the list of books for 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Let's do this quick and dirty.

I will be MIA for a bit. The office is moving this week so that is consuming some time. I have finals next week so that is consuming my life. And I have been nominated for and taken the Secretary position of Student Council at school. Yeah, I'm fucking crazy. I will most certainly post up my schedule next time so you can see why I'm going to explode starting in September.

Without further ado... let me post some pics from Rhode Island.

Ok so ignore my double chin and sweatiness. This is probably 2.5 hours of sitting in Connecticut. I hate Connecticut. We spent 4 hours in traffic when it should have taken 1.5. It was awful. Here are some examples of what Cassie and I came up with while sitting in hell:

Dear Connecticut,
You have more red lights than the district in Amsterdam.
Love, Us

Dear Connecticut,
Do us all a favor and split yourself between Rhode Island, Mass and NY. We would appreciate it.
Love, Us

Dear Connecticut,
I am pretty fucking sure you are the worst state in the union. Please kill yourself.
Love, Us (Notice the anger building)

Dear Connecticut,
I thoroughly enjoy speeding down your highway at 20mph.
Love, Us

Dear Connecticut,
Your existence makes me ashamed to be an American.
Regards, Us

You can't really see it but that says Welcome to Rhode Island. I have never been so happy to see something in my life. A 3 hour trip took us 6.5 hours. I fucking hate Connecticut. There are only 49 states in my USA now.

Ok so we got there late, somehow Cassie and I planned our trip during Restaurant Week. Fantastic timing cus we are fat girls and Restaurant Week allowed us to eat at some really cool local restaurants. The first night was Local 121, which only uses produce from no more than an hour away. It was delicious.

We ended the night at this bar that has a beer club with 99 beers. I had a framboise and the ladies tried some wild beers. The first night was good. Sadly, Cassie and I missed having any time to go out and explore but it was a great night.

It's all about food when you have Cassie and I together. We stayed with her friend Juhi and went to brunch here before we set out to explore Providence. Cute place, delicious omelettes... love local stuff!

So the most fantastic thing about Juhi, besides her letting us crash on her extra bed, was that she lived in the historic district of Providence. So all the amazing historical houses (like Henry Miller's) were all nearby. This house was amazing. There were many amazing houses and me loving architecture I took a picture of just about every single one of them.

Very nice. I swear one day I will live in a house that has a plaque on it telling you when it was built and by whom. Oh my heart.

This was probably my favorite.


Oh you have no idea, we walked the campus, pretended we were students, took pictures of everything. Went to the bookstore and bought sweatshirts. Yes I now own a brown BROWN hoodie. And yes I wear it, it may be the middle of the summer and sweltering but I will wear it anyways. And dream... dream a little dream of attending an Ivy League school... that I should have done regardless. Why did I doubt myself?!? I could've been an Ivy Leaguer. FML. This was the highlight of the trip.
Um, so the grass at BROWN was the prettiest grass ever and I had to roll around in it.

We walked Providence for 7 hours that day. Went to Indiefest for a bit, which was all local bands on 4 stages and lots of local merchants. I have so many photos!!!! That night also led to meeting some of Juhi's friends (who were fucking awesome) and hanging out til 4 in the morning.

Dancing at some bar.

Baby Got Back was playing. Much dancing.

Sunday we went to the beach in Cape Cod. Gregg, Juhi's friend, invited us up to Sandwich, Mass and we went! It was a super cute town and the perfect ending to the weekend.

There are many beach photos. We hung out here, I got some color and then we headed out to this little boardwalk that Gregg wanted to show us. Super cool and would have been romantic for a couple.

It was effing gorgeous on this boardwalk. Love the photos that I got from there. We went to eat after this and then headed back to Rhode Island. Then Cassie and I got our shit together and headed home. It was about 11:30pm and we did not want traffic in Connecticut so we were willing to make the trek back that late at night. This time we got home in 3 hours. Cassie was home at 2:30 and I was home before 3.

Dear Connecticut,
Like a prostitute, you are best visited under cover of darkness.
Love, Us

262 photos later it was an amazing weekend. Ok so if I make a Flickr account, I can attach my photos to here right? Cus my photos are kind of fun if you want to go through them. I would be welcome for any information you have on how to make that work.

And now I take my leave of you. I have another couple blogs in me... one about dishonesty (had an experience) and of course another about the boy in the band that I love. And I'm sure I will have plenty about school once it is all done. This was not quick or dirty. Sorry I lied.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Stupid FedEx

They have my laptop and are making it supremely difficult to get it back. I shall succeed tho. You have no idea the separation anxiety I am having. Spent the whole weekend in Rhode Island and Cape Cod. Depending on the laptop there will be pictures later. Let me just say I spent a lot of time in the grass at Brown rolling around like an idiot. Man I wish I had gone to that school. WTF was I doing with my life. Anyways, more later. How was everyone's weekend?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey it's a bday follow-up!

Be excited kids... I got pictures and the whole nine yards. Friday was a long day! And now I'm 27 WOOOOHOOOO! Yeah I am that excited. Don't ask why, cus I haven't quite figured that out. The day started with work, as you can tell because I updated. I seem to do most of my blogging while sitting at my desk. After work... it was all about Sx and lunch. Then:
Yeah it was time to strip down and do my first shoot. I got past the first round in the application, the only way to get that Suicide name was to do the photos. "Modeling" was a bitch. That shit hurts. I am not used to smiling so much, nor not breathing for so long, nor being naked in natural light. She shot about 200 pictures which will be whittled down to about 50 and then submitted. I saw 2 and one of them was awesome. When your photographer goes "And that's the one that will make you a suicide girl", you know that some sort of magic happened. Cross your fingers for me folks!

After all that hard work, one must be rewarded with food. Especially hot, cheesy, fattening deliciousness. I give you 4 cheese Mac and Cheese at S'Mac in NYC. Extraordinarily good.

Be excited kids, this is Wizard of Oz under the stars at South Street SeaPort. Yes... The Wizard of Oz, my most favorite movie in the whole world. WHOLE WORLD. We almost made it for the whole thing but it was freezing and people are fucking annoying. I moved two inches and got assaulted by fingers and being told that the person behind me could no longer see. It's on a BIG FUCKING SCREEN, if you cannot see it then you need to talk to your eye doctor, not me. Thank you much. I take it as a sign that Oz was playing on my birthday. We are connected. I love it.

Time for the fair! We schlepped it back to Jersey and went to the fair! I am not one for this stuff but my friend has never been to the state fair in Jersey and it was time to change that. So we wandered around playing games and just hanging out. On facebook, we have decided that this sort of looks like it should be an album cover. I dig it. This is a good portion of us all together!

Another first for me that night... the ferris wheel. I hate heights, ferris wheels frighten me. It was gorgeous at the top but when that thing started to move I almost crapped my pants. It went around 4 times and every time I thought I might die. This is a photo from the top. Carnivals are just fucking pretty from that high up. This will probably never be a repeat performance.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big dog, my friend won it for me! It was good to be the birthday girl. Oh do you see that lunchbox? That was my "purse" for the evening. If you ever want to buy me something pretty I collect metal lunchboxes. I'm just throwing that out there. It was very fitting for the evening with Wizard of Oz. That dog is amazing. There is no where to put him but I love him none the less. River won me a pink gorilla too! It was a good night for presents. I love them both.

This is where the night stopped being fun. They had a petting zoo at the fair and an elephant walking around in a circle in the parking lot. I walked through just to love the animals a little bit but had to speed up and get out of there cus I was crying so hard. Yes, you heard me, CRYING. I couldnot handle the conditions these animals were in. I mean none of them looked abused and I'm sure someone loves them (this may just be me trying to make myself feel better) but they seemed so sad. I was practically sobbing. SOBBING, I tell you.
Which reminds me of another thing we saw that night. Early on, there was one of those sideshow freak tents about the smallest women. We joke about my one friend being tiny so we wanted to walk through. We thought it would be like all those other ones that just have things in jars and statues of all the things they are talking about. No, not this one. It was a woman, on a pillow, just sitting there. A REAL WOMAN. A REAL, TINY WOMAN. It was kind of the most horrific things I've ever seen. Not the fact that she was tiny or anything, but that we paid a $1 to walk through this tent to look at a woman on a pillow. She looked miserable, it was just so awkward. I will never ever do that again. I learned my lesson. I will also never look at a petting zoo again, unless it is on a farm.

I almost forgot to put this in. Look at that makeup and hair. Yeah, like a tranny hooker. Sx did a damn good job making me look presentable for this shoot. I didn't wash my hair til last night. Yep, count it, that's 4 days. I was a grimey disgusting mess but that's okay. My hair looked hot. And I got to see the bestie that I'm totally in love with. So I will take grimey. Seriously, more make-up than a tranny hooker. It was so weird to have all that shit on me... but SG here I come!!!

Ok that was my 27th birthday. I was up for somewhere between 30-40 hours. Good times. Lots of love folks. Now time for me to catch up on my blog reading. <3

Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey 100th Post!!!!

Well it's pretty fucking convenient that this is my 100th post... or at least by what blogger is telling me, there might be a few in there that haven't made it up... so this could be a huge lie. Either way this is why:

Today is my birthday!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO! Do not ask why I am so excited to be 27. I hated last year's birthday... but this year. I'm all about it! That's about it for today. There will be much celebrating and fun times to be had. Thanks for stopping by if you are.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Skinny Days

i LOVE skinny days. it's pretty effing nice today. Well now that my pseudo period bitch is gone, things are feeling a bit better. for the first time in 3 weeks... yes it took 3 weeks for the bitch to finally show up, try to kill me and leave... i do not feel like a fat bloated cow. or maybe it's the pointy black heels with my new jeans and black shirt. i'm so edgy and hip today LOL.

Suicide Girls has started taking over my life. I do believe that on Friday, my birthday, hint hint, that I am going to do my first set. Trying not to think about it too much because I don't want to freak myself out. Not about my birthday, about the stripping down to my nothingness and displaying the goods for naked, but tasteful pictures. I have all the faith in the world in Sx, who is taking the pics. And she knows not to let me see them until she has photoshopped the hell out of them. Or I will cry and hate myself and not celebrate my birthday. Thank god i like my vagina or I would up shit's creek trying to do this. LMAO... yeah I just laughed out loud in my office. Scared a couple of old ladies. I look like a crazy person now. But anyways, I really like this having a whole other persona on there. I mean, at the end of the day, it's just me but still. Most people don't know my real name, don't know jack shit about me actually and it's nice. I like making friends. Or whatever you call these internet relationships. Haha... I would tell you about one amazing encounter but I don't think that would be accepted here. I need myself an X-rated blog for these things that go on SG sometimes.

Whoa I'm tired. I just zoned out for like 5 minutes. Ok back to work my loves. Leave me some sugar.

Mama Kat

If you click on that title right below it will take you to Mama's Losin' It, I LOVE her blogs and her fun writing assignments. So this week I will actually do one on time! Woot!

Your Assignment, Should You Choose To Accept

For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to see what you wrote.

Feel free to write on more than one prompt if you so desire. I do it all the time, but it's my game...and I don't know how to it should be expected. And remember the more comment love you give, the more comment love you get so comment comment away.

The Prompts:

1.) Tell us about a "dirt cheap" you've taken this summer.
(inspired by Anti-Supermom)

2.) When I grow up I want to be like...
(inspired by Jenny Says What?)

3.) Describe a difficult moment that you survived.
(inspired by Sarah M.)

4.) List 5 things you like to do while camping...or 5 places you'd like to go.
(inspired by Kisatrtle)

5.) What are you paranoid about?
(inspired by Melissa)

I think I might do more than one, yeah I'm feeling ambitious. Crazy stuff I know... let me get through at least one and then we will talk about another one.

5 Places I'd Like to Go:
This reminds me of a thing my friend sent me yesterday... hang on let me find it... here we go:

TFLN: (917): yea..i want to get out of new york for a bit too but for the love of god not to new jersey. that's like getting tired of the stripclub and getting yourself a toothless prostitute.

I'm not one for posting up from the texts from last night but my god that is funny. I love a good Jersey joke. That being said, this is the list of places I would want to go that are not Jersey:
1. Salem, Mass. (I love this place, it's like my second home. Be there in 9 days)
2. Savannah, Georgia (Ghost stories and plantation homes. Very much so)
3. Europe - specifically England, Amsterdam and Germany
4. New Orleans (not during Mardi Gras)
5. Oregon (the birthplace of Traditional Chinese Medicine in America)

This list could go on for days. Let's see how many I can see. I get a month off in between semesters. I would like to set a goal to go somewhere new each break.

OOOOO... I'm gonna do it.
What am I paranoid about?

So we moved last month as I have previously written about, not exciting. However there is a bridge that I have to drive over back and forth to get from home to work. I hate bridges as it is but this bridge is one of those ones that opens up for passing boats. Let me tell you nothing is worse than sitting on that skinny bridge, next to an 18 wheeler, waiting for that bridge to go down. Instant panic attacks that the bridge will collapse, I will fall to my death, the road will be slippery from rain and there I go right off the edge... etc. Oh and let me just mention that a couple years ago, the sister bridge next to it was open one night and now it's named after the EMT's that went over cus they didn't realize it was open and died. In the winter. I travel these bridges at all times of the day. Freaks me the hell out.

Oh and also now that I am back in school and taking tests again I have this weird paranoia. This really came up during midterms. I go in to these tests and I'm all like "yeah I studied, I'm going to do well". And then I do (maybe this confidence is just in my head) but when I leave and until I get the test back I get this crazy panic feeling that I marked the wrong answers to everything. Like I looked at the test, knew the answer was B and put C cus my brain and my writing hand don't work well together. LOLOL.

Ok, I feel accomplished this week. Feeling good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Friend Making Monday*

* yes, I know it's Tuesday. At least I make the effort thank you much. hahaha.

So I figure I want to start being more active on here and making friends so why not join in on some of the fun activities. This week Friend Making Monday is being sponsored by Kelli at Outside My Kitchen Window while Kasey is on vacation with her family! So here is this week's topic:

Tell us about your BFF...where did you meet, was it BFF at first sight, how long have you been friends, etc.

What makes him/her your BFF...what is it about this person that makes him/her so special to you?

And without further ado... let me introduce my bestie and my favorite lush:

There she is ladies and gentlemen, Cassie. This is my sister, my traveling gypsy and the woman that will always be my heart. She is the black to my white cookie. She loves the sun while the sun and I are mortal enemies. We are meant to be forever. I may tear up... forgive me. She has been away for a few weeks teaching and visiting family in South America. She will be home for exactly11 days before I hopefully can drive her/with her to the airport and drop her off for her year of teaching in JAPAN. Yes, the bitch is moving across the world for a year. Who the hell am I supposed to call when I have a freak out, an emotional breakdown, when my mother makes me want to hurt myself, when I ace a test, when I start my first clinic shifts as a holistic health care practitioner? Then again I will see her in November, she if flying into LA for a friends wedding and I'm going to meet her there and be her date for a week.

So, we have known each other since high school. We did not like each other, we had a mutual friend who was POISON. The first semester after high school I was living down the hall from her with one of her best friends and it just all started then. We bonded and over the next year it developed and grew every time she came home from school in Florida. Then she moved back to Jersey and convinced me to transfer to Rutgers. And after my first semester there she moved to Hawaii. The bitch. I am noticing a pattern of her leaving. She always come back to Jersey but she is my traveling gypsy. I wish I was able to travel the world with her, one day I will. I admire her for so many things. Sometimes she drives me bananas but at the end of the day my life would be completely empty without her. She is an inspiration to me and I love her with all my heart. Damn you waterworks. I knew this would be a hard one to do... but I will persevere. Exactly 7 days til I can look at her pretty brown face (cus after being in Cali surfing and in South America bitch is gonna be purple) and then in 10 days we hit the road for a full weekend of besties! Thank something. Then she leaves me.

I just wanted to put this photo cus it was taken at her Aunt's house and its a brownie in the shape of a heart. And it reminds me of her. We've been through a lot in the last almost decade. And I hope that one day we will be those little old ladies that go on dates with one another. Cus if we don't grow old with anyone else, at least we will have each other.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

a few moments in my life

So this is really embarrassing but so funny I must share. The other day I was sitting around with River and one of our friends and was like "let's play some left for dead or some Halo". We were bored and I thought a rousing game of killing zombies would be ideal. So of course, we start to get all the xbox remotes out and the game. This is where it gets embarrassing... there weren't enough batteries for all the remotes. So of course River is all "I know they were in there, where the hell did they go?" At this point, I have to hang my head in shame, run upstairs and come back down with said batteries. They both look at me and knew EXACTLY where I went to get the batteries from.
My rabbit needed carrots... LMAO

Monday, June 29, 2009

Don't Yell at me

You know a surefire way to make me become unhelpful really really fast? Yell at me. Oh and don't forget accuse me of doing something wrong towards you. I hate people sometimes. And I'm sorry these patients were of a certain nationality, I do not want to be racist but it seems to happen mostly with them. So I do not know why I was surprised to get such an ugly phone call. I tell everyone that calls the exact same information and this woman is telling me that I told her there would be reimbursement. I'm sorry but when you go to the doctor your health insurance card is not a debit card. Nor is it a bank that automatically pays for your visit. Yes, you will have to get out your credit card or your money and pay me cus guess what? The doctor is NOT FUCKING FREE. Yeah, she went through 8 years of med school so that she can treat your fucked up back for free. Are you stupid? Like really at one point when she was asking why she had to pay the office visit fee I wanted to ask her that exact question. REALLY?!? Are you kidding me? Wow... enough of that. Sometimes I really hate people... oh and she yells at me for the payment and she made us wait 2 hours for her to show up cus she called as an emergency. We waited over an hour after we closed because we told her we would take her. Her 30 minutes til we get there turned into 2 hours. Let me tell you, one of the last times I will be that helpful for someone that I do not know in the office.

In other things... I got through midterms. Let me tell you... that midterm for fundamentals... it was a doozy. I appreciate the way she did it though because she showed us what boards could be like. They aren't going to be super easy. I got an 89, would have been better if I hadn't made stupid mistakes, but I hopefully have learned from it and will now know what to expect on the final. I'm not going to fail any of my classes but I really need to buckle down and study hard for the last 7 weeks. The foundations (essentially my history class of China and Chinese Medicine) midterm was 4 essays (take-home). It was 5 pages long and included a lot of the knowledge that he gave us over the first 6 weeks. It was fun though, they were not strict questions they were very "you're having a convo with your Aunt Eleanor, what would you tell her about this...." types of questions. The bio midterm, was bio. I hate biology and I am not excited for the 2 science classes I have to take next semester. At all. Though I do get to take my Anatomy I class with Milo look-alike. That's delicious in all ways... be a little nicer if he would cut his effing hair. His shirts for the last couple of weeks have been his size so it is nice to see the runner body but my god man... cut your hair. There are females in the room lol. Give us some eye candy.

Made my schedule for next semester. No clinic hours for me yet, I must take it a bit slowly so clinic will be in the winter semester. For now I will have Tui Na Hand Techniques and Tui Na Structural Techniques, Anatomy I, Principles of BioChemisty, Fundamentals 2 and Herboloby I. I didn't take anatomy this semester so I can't do acupuncture points yet. PPPPPPOOOOOOOOPPPPP. But I'm okay with being in school a bit longer than everyone else. I have a good job and I need to keep it. Without it I can't afford to go to school! Vicious cycle if I do say so myself.

Somedays it's a bit scary knowing that I have been at this job for 1.5 years. I miss waiting tables sometimes, I'm sure I will eventually go back to it for a bit. Just for the fast money! But until then. What's scarier is knowing that I potentially have this job for practically the next decade. Job security my friends, job security. Now I just wish the money tree would grow in my backyard and then I would have monetary security. Cus right now the lack of money is frightening. FRIGHTENING. When I get my refund check in September I am correcting what went wrong this time.

I will be 27 in 11 days. Commence the freaking out. Plans are shaping up though so it will most certainly be fun! Please don't rain mother nature. PLEASE. By July though, it is usually hotter than balls here on the East Coast, in the armpit of the United States. We have no middle ground. Ok this is a long post. Back to work for me. Then home to do some studying and some reading!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Such ugly layouts

Ok can someone tell me where I can find better layouts? Blogger layouts suck and it really really makes me want to go over to my wordpress blog and make that super active. LOL...

Friday, June 26, 2009

A-Z Challenge

I found this skimming through some other sites and am now going to do this one! I'm going to go back to the books that I read before school started and hope that I have some of the letters done. And somehow I will figure out how to make this into a button for the side of my blog. Easy access.
A: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
C: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
D: Driving with Dead People by Monica Holloway
F: Fame Junkies by Jake Halpern
S: Stardust by Neil Gaman
T: True Grace: The Life and Times of an American Princess by Wendy Leigh

I finished a book!

True Grace: The Life and Times of an American Princess

Soooo over at a new blog that I totally am enamored with because it's all about books she has all these book blogging things she is involved in. I really like a bunch of them and want to attempt some. This is one I'm going to try and do because with school I don't think I can get through many of the other ones: I have chosen to do the A-Z Title Challenge. I will keep you updated and add a post about just it so I can follow my list.

Anyways this book was awesome. Grace Kelly was a bit of a slut. Is that awful to say? Let's just say that she got around Hollywood, and you know what? Who the hell cares? I love that she was free spirited and did not restrain herself. It is also funny that in the introduction to the book Wendy Leigh tells the reader that if you a certain set of beliefs about Grace Kelly and do not want to spoil them then her book is not for you. She got juicy details and didn't hold back in her biography. I think that's what made it even better!
And hot damn Princess Grace was beautiful. What a tragic ending though. She knew she was going to die in a car accident and she did. Now I want to go watch some of her movies, it's a shame she had to give up her acting career when she married the Prince of Monaco. More to update later!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hi to all the people visiting

It's pretty cool to see all these people on my visitor list. But hey leave me some love! Even if it's anonymous. My blog is not exciting in any sort of way but let me know you are here!

My phone has been acting funny since the 3.0 update. Damn you iPhone, I will plug it back in later and try to make it work better. And where the hell is my video feature? And my MMS, late summer my ass. Ridic.

Planning a weekend to Rhode Island and Massachusetts in July. Yay! Then I will come home and gear up for finals. The new schedule comes out today for the Fall... yippy. Quite a few classes to take next semester. I hope Milo look-alike prof teaches one of them. I would like something nice to look at as I struggle miserably through more science. What the hell was I thinking? That will be my mantra for the rest of my time.

Had acupuncture done on Wednesday. It was lovely. Totally fell asleep with the needles in. They gave me some pills to take to break up the blood stagnation that I have going on right now and to build my yin. Did that just sound like Charlie Brown's teacher to you? Bet it did.

Mama Kat Wednesday on Friday

Yeah I know that it's Friday but better late than never? Does that work? I hope so. Please believe me I would have done this on Wednesday had I not been taking midterms and trying hard not to kill myself for going back to school. What was I thinking?

So here is prompt one from this week:

1.) Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page and share two “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

"She would receive me in a marvelous housecoat. Very proper and very elegant, but without any makeup and she was ravishing"

It sounds kinda dirty don't it. But it is not. It's from the book True Grace by Wendy Leigh about Grace Kelly. So far I'm loving it.

Now go hang out with Mama Kat, she's hysterical and has great kids (most days LOL) and she wants to be on Ellen! Ok I dont know what the hell is up with my blogger so I will give you the link typed out... stupid blogger.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Current thoughts on being blonde

The boys seem to like it. Am I now a piece of meat? Is it cus these boys now think I am stupid? Yes this blog will be littered with awful things about blonde stereotypes, get over it. Today my boobs are out, or rather my lack of boobs. Is this now acceptable because I am blonde? LOLOL... this is fun. I'm also wearing heels, who knows maybe blonde makes me feel sassy.

It was a good weekend, busier than I thought it would be, much less studying than I thought there would be. Saturday I spent 4 hours with my hair stylist, making me a blonde. And we are not talking dirty blonde, I am some Irish Cream base blonde and then some super bleach blonde chunks. Crazy talk. I kept laughing the entire time. This is the girl who will take blue-black any day or give me a pretty red. Now I'm all ready for summer with a head of blonde hair. He is also down for being my SG stylist. Which is this upcoming Sunday... who's nervous? Not me, no way, how could I be nervous to get naked and take pictures that will then be posted on the internet? Man oh man, good thing I'm going into a field where I can own my own business.

I have had this conversation with some of my friends though, all about be careful what you do cus this can be put on the SG dvd, the calendar (i wish I was hot enough for the 12 months of a calendar), or in a book like the one that I have sitting in my house. Is it wrong that I'm like "are you kidding me? If they put me in the book it will be on my coffeetable. Eff that." I want people to flip through and be all like "Whoa, is that you?" So that I can then respond "HELL YEAH BABY!" Oh, Suicide Girls, here I come. I find it so funny how my greatest ambition right now is to strip naked and be a Suicide Girl. Not volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, not run a 5-k, but to strip naked. Take the bull by the horns I guess.

The rest of Saturday consisted of Hibachi for a friend's birthday, surprising everyone with my new hair and then going to see the boys play. Sadly, they had to end at 1 am so we only got to hear 5 songs. LAME. The place was packed. Okay as I said in one of those last posts I am having a tough time getting over a crush. Why must he seem so perfect? Damn you kid. Anyways, seeing him Saturday, it's officially over. I think it is a combination of the girl he likes (but isn't dating cus he's actually aware that it is too soon for him to date, though as I write this watch him ask her out) and the fact that he likes to throw the "bestie" word around and not back it up. I hate people that don't follow through. He loves that I'm super honest and don't bullshit. So why you gotta bullshit me honey? Sad and quite lame. Or maybe he's totally in love with me and doesn't want to admit it. I would take that as a reason too, but for fuck's sake let's be honest. Quite the turn off to hear things and get no back-up you know what I'm saying? But hot damn do I love that kid. LOLOL. In 30 years we will marry and grow old together. Then again, there are a ton of hot, tattooed boys out there for me to crush on.

And now back to work. So much studying to do. Final tomorrow morning! Yay!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday June 14

Yep, I got nothing for a title again. But bestill my heart, it's not effing raining today. FINALLY. had my hair done yesterday, i'm a blonde now. WOOOOOO... it's creepy. that's all.

time to study for midterms!

Friday, June 12, 2009


It's been a bit. How are you? That's wonderful to hear. Me? I'm doing well. Keeping busy with school and work. Next week I have a final for one class that should be a piece of cake if we go by the midterm (which I got a 105 on, cus yeah I got all the extra credit right too). And I have one midterm in class (little scary) and one take home midterm (not so scary) and the following week I have my bio midterm (super scary). Though if, at the end of the semester, Milo Ventimiglia would like some action for a better grade, I'm down. He's married and he teaches a bunch of the science classes at the school, but awkwardness aside, I totally want him to throw me down on a desk and have his way with me. I just wish he would stop wearing shirts that look like they were made for a man twice his size. (sidenote, as I wrote man, I typed moan - hmmmm?). Gonna be a nerd and join Student Council, cus yeah I wanna.

The new apartment is coming along. A few reasons I love it: All the space for the puppies, the library is a block away, quick chek is on the corner, I have lost 6 pounds since moving there because we no longer have a backyard for the dogs and no parking permits, so no tickets for not having "resident" in my window. Just a few reasons so far. I will put up some pics of the way things are coming along soon. My camera died at the NIN/JA show the other night, well not so much die as the stabilizer went all batty. So my videos rock but I look like I'm having an epileptic fit. I will put up some pics from last weeks show. It was an emotional evening watching Trent Reznor sing the songs that define my life. And when he sang "hurt" (which will be going on my body, in tattoo form, in its entirety) I lost my nerve. As did many people but the tears were streaming down my face. WOW, that was a tangent huh? So hopefully the camera will be back and I can take photos of the progress. Plus I'm going to a couple of shows next week and I NEED a camera.

I am trying to get over my crush on a boy but it is hard. Though I will not tell him that. Damn guitar playing/singer musicians covered in tattoos that are the perfect specimen of man. DAMN YOU! I want to marry this kid. There doesn't need to be any hanky panky but marry me and it's all good. He knows, don't worry. We are also good friends besides my stupid adolescent crush that I have had on and off for the last 7 years.

Back to work. Think I will go home and clean a bit today. It is needed. I also need an effing mattress. Like soon. Very soon.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Moving sucks arse

Well it has been an eventful week. We moved. From our box of an apartment with a backyard, to what can technically be called a small house. We have the 2nd and 3rd floors of a house in a new area. I'm sure I've gone over the description but it's pretty fucking sweet. Not gonna lie about it. Though packing sucks and unpacking sucks more, especially when you have so much space. However I now have my own room and River has his own room. Mine is full of bookcases and will be for me to study. River's is full of his action figures and dvd's. We are way too selfish to think about kids or anything else LOL.

And puppy, in the middle of it all of course has an emergency.

Yeah so he got a spider/mosquito/bee/gopher bite which he must have messed with that then abscessed and he ripped open. So the vet had to open it more, clean it out, shave his head and put an e-collar on him. That is my brilliant puppy. He is miserable but healing. Back to the vet on Monday and hopefully all will be well. Damn dog. And he had a reaction to the sedatives they pumped into him so he had the runs ALL night and when I say all night I mean we were walking at 3am so he could pee out his butt. I love him though and wouldn't trade him for the world. My poor baby.

Did I say that I aced my quizzes last week? Oh well I did! Took a bio quiz yesterday, did better than the first one but that's probably not saying much. Had to drop Tai Chi, cus my abdomen is just not healed enough yet to handle that class. Makes me sad. But I will take it again in a few semesters. Today I need to go home and dedicate myself to studying. I missed most of my classes this week due to flu-like symptoms that knocked me on my ass. Actually knocked me onto the couch for 20 or so hours.

Back to work now!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

having some foresight

i uploaded all the photos from the swap and put them into blogger. now i just have to put it all together. seeing as i am moving, starting yesterday and mostly today i will hopefully be able to edit the post and get it up shortly! yay! i got some awesome stuff. and am worried that mine will pale in comparison lol.

ok debate topic: Let's say you are out in a social situation. You meet someone, you say hi to various strangers, do you know within the first two minutes if you would have sex with them? We are not talking relationships or actually even doing the deed... just do you know if you would bump uglies with them? It was a topic of great debate over the interwebs between some friends of mine the other night. One person was on one side and everyone else was on the other... I'll tell you later after you answer.


Thank you Mamarazzi for this awesome idea! I loved participating and hope to do another one in the future! And please forgive me for taking so long. It just happens I got my items as I was moving. But I got them together and here they are! And stop by and check out my swap partner:

Not gonna lie, when the delivery guy walked in with this box my first thought was a scary one. Basically, I work in an office with one other person, "who the hell wants to blow us up?!?" But then I read the label and figured it out... though I did open the box very, very carefully HAHAHAH.

Let's start with the movie: The Boondock Saints... AWESOME MOVIE. On the note attached: The tagline for the movie says it all "Brothers, Killers, Saints." The guys in the movie are hot and they have Irish accents.

So true! I must concur about the hotness and especially with the accents. Delicious!

Then there is some quick dry nail polish, hopefully I can find my nail polish remover in this mess of my new apartment, so I can try this out! I like anything quick dry and easy breezy.

We have Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, which if you browse through the about me on her blog you will know is her favorite book. The note on it says: i re-read this book every year and still get caught up in the story. The book was passed down from our grandmom, mom, aunt and uncle and it was their favorite too.

If so many people recommend this book, then when school is done I will have to read it! Can't wait actually.

There is a Chef Boyardee Pizza kit that her mom got her and her sisters addicted to when they were younger. I'm down with a "yummy pizza" night and don't worry your secret is safe with me! I do believe that River called this right out of the box, the man loves pizza and totally freaked cus he didn't know this existed. LOL

She also included water mixed, cus it's true sometimes you need something with flavor. I understand that completely and I'm gonna have to open this bad boy up and get on it! I drink a ton of water but anything to liven it up and make it more enjoyable is welcome to me!

Last, in the picture, is the Tastefully Simple Caramel Creme Latte Mix. How did you know Caramel is my favorite? I'm gonna crack that book open and drink some of this and have a damn good night! And if I get addicted to it, expect a request!

And last but not least, I packed the candle so it would not break during the move and I'm sure I will find it soon, but I'm lucky enough to have taken individual pictures beforehand. This is a Green Tea Candle that she loves because of its "really fresh scent". I love candles and sent some along to her! We were meant to be swap partners! As soon as I'm all moved in I will be enjoying this on a hot summer night.

And that is my swap! I loved it, Mamarazzi you are a genius and thanks for the new friend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I got my package in the mail today! Unfortunately I do not have time to do it justice right now, so maybe later tonight? If not definitely Friday!!!! WOOOOOOT! I cannot wait to open it. I really hope my doesn't suck (the one that i sent, not the one I received!) Talk to you soon!

Midterm yesterday was a piece of cake... the quizzes I have today frighten me! Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

season finale time of the year

Yeah, this will most likely be about 90210, cus really Grey's Anatomy? Sorry, shoot me if you want, but I hope Izzie is dead. Eff Katherine Heigl, you got your Emmy nominee story line this year. And you got to see dead people. Now the George storyline, what the hell? If you are going to release him, you couldn't just let him go off and be a trauma doctor? You have to show us how amazing he is (we already knew he was a great guy). But Really???!? A bus? That's just not right.

Now onto 90210. I love to hate it and I hate to love it. This show is AWFUL. But please don't cancel it, cus I don't know what else I would do. Oh and hey since Terminator got canceled on FOX, how about we bring back a little David Silver. And Brian Austin Green, don't tell me you are above this show, you just did a guest spot on CSI:Miami. Don't get me started on the acting of David Caruso (good season finale though). So head on over to the old zip code and give us some love. I digress, Ethan and Silver, totally didn't see that coming over the last few weeks, nope not at all. (please note sarcasm) Where was all this drama and excitement when I was in high school? And where the hell where these men? Ty and Liam - my god.... Liam, you can be half naked in my bedroom any day. Hell you can be half naked anywhere you want as long as I get to watch. Once again, I digress. Oh hell, I give up, all I can think about is Liam in his boxers. Oh and what a cuntrag of a sister Naomi has. What a cuntrag! And Annie, what the hell were you thinking? Can we get rid of her, replace her? I will pretend not to notice, cus that girl is awful. I'm glad Dixon is so astute to notice how Ethan was fawning over Silver. I would like to fawn over Ethan. I would also appreciate if Ethan or a boy/girl of similar attractive appearance would shove me against a tree and show me they like me like that LOL. That show is a bunch of horse manure, but I would like some of the painkillers that prego was give (why am I drawing a blank on her name).

I must leave from work shortly and head to school. Oh the fun, gotta refill my PATH card, gotta remember! So it looks like my Suicide Girl photoshoot will be in 3 short weeks. So the minimal eating, maximum exercise (for one still healing from surgery can do) plan has gone into effect! Sx and I came up with a damn fun idea and I will be helped out by my lovely tattooed friend that is a boy. Oh how I adore him. More on him later.

A bientot!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

there must be more to this.

That song came on the radio,
the one that belongs to you.
Memories flood my mind,
misbegotten summer nights and misspent youth.
I gave you the best years of my life
and all I have left are songs on the radio.

A work in progress, Gin Blossoms inspired me this morning. Be back later.

Monday, May 18, 2009


yeah i'm back to dating my posts. i have nothing witty to put up there today. don't even know what i'm going to ramble about today. oooooooooo wait i just might.

has anyone heard of the suicide girls? i'm guessing many of you haven't but i will hold out hope that some of you have. so my biggest goal is to become one, don't ask me why a girl that hates to have her picture taken is driven to become an "alternative pin-up girl". well i want to have my first set up by july 10, my 27th birthday. seeing as i'm back in school again and won't be done til my early 30's i need to feel like i have accomplished something. hence, my weird desire to be a suicide girl. or maybe i just want to feel hot and this is the way i feel i can do it. either way, i submitted some preliminary (clothed) photos and was accepted! so i get to set up my model site, fill out the paper work, take the photos and hopefully they will be like "hey, she's pretty hot, let's make her an official Suicide Girl!" and not "oh man, what the hell were we thinking when we accepted this fat ass?" so today i shall sit down with my friend whom i trust to take the pictures and discuss what we want to do.

and now i will take my leave of you... be back later.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

That spring crispness

I really enjoy the crispness in the air in the morning. I especially like it when I get to work and it pours after I walk in the door! Thank something cus I decided not to drive to work today! And I am still dry! Good stuff.

Ok since my boss is in Canada and I am sitting here with a covering doc, I have time to update. I really should be doing work that I left for myself but it's all good. I can do that on Monday. I did bring my bio book to study though so that will happen immediately after updating.

River and I are moving... found a great apartment. I will miss our backyard that is for sure. It is nice to let the pups wander around the backyard and not have to worry about them while they play. Except yesterday when they decided they wanted to eat the baby gopher that wandered into the yard. That was fun trying to get between them and this little animal. BUT our new apartment more than makes up for the loss of a backyard and my fat ass could use the walking that the dogs will afford me. It is 2 floors, yes I said 2 floors! The first floor has the bathroom, living room, kitchen, a small bedroom and the room the previous tenant used for her computer room. The upstairs has the big bedroom and then this large open room with the attic slant and exposed brick. So basically River and I have decided that the second bedroom downstairs will be his office - which translates to the room where we put out all his toys and my lunchboxes. The computer room will essentially turn into a storage room if we need it for anything else then we will have it. The room upstairs will be my room to cover in all the posters that sit in tubes right now, my bookcases, a desk and pretty much where I can hide to do my homework and study. I will also throw the second tv in there and i can escape to this room! WOOOOOOHOOOOO! Biggest purchases to make in the next couple weeks: a bed and bookcases. Or shelves. I don't know how River wants to display all his crap. LOL. I'm so excited, the commute is a little extra but I'm super excited! And the best part of all it's only $75 more than what we pay for a box with a huge backyard! Really cannot beat that at all.

Spent Thursday in the Emergency Room, woke up that morning and couldn't stand up straight and it hurt all the way into my kidneys. You know it really hurts when I take myself to the emergency room. I'm really tired of ERs, bloodwork, urine tests, IVs and ultrasounds. Because of course everything came back normal. What else would it be? The doctor is confident he got everything out of my female reproductive organs so it really is now up to a GI doctor to tell me the next step. I have a feeling the endometrial tissue is on my stomach and intestines now. It has been growing for 6 years so why wouldn't it have migrated to all the other areas. FML.

This means that I missed class with Milo look alike, which makes for one unhappy kt. School is going well so far. It's intense and a bit insane but it will be good. Books came out to a little over $400. They are most certainly getting used.

I need a nap. I need to study. I need to stop thinking about you. I'm excited for the swap and how in a week I have to mail out my favorite things. I didn't realize it would be so hard to figure out my favorite things!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why did I get up?

Sooooo I suck. I know this. Amityville is no longer worth writing about. Let's just say that we saw the house. It was cool, it was also the middle of the night so a little spookier. It wasn't so much about the crazy shit that happened there, it was more that an entire family was murdered there that got me all fluttery in the stomach. I have a thing for serial killers, mass murderers, all that stuff like that. I think it stems from my mom handing me a book when I was 11, telling me it was a good book and I would enjoy it. And that book? Helter Skelter, which led to The Stranger Beside Me, which led to me reading the entire True Crime section at the public library. If there really is a list the FBI keeps, I am so on it.

Grad school is going to be intense. They say this is the easiest semester. FUCK MY LIFE. I will tell you all about my medical terminology professor who is Italian and the biology teacher that looks like Milo Ventimiglio from Heroes and Gilmore Girls. Bio will be nice this semester for that reason only. Those are the highlights.

I woke up with my period today. Sure this is normal for most people. This is the second one I have gotten in 2.5 years. I AM IN PAIN. I had surgery to make the pain stop. Guess what is not stopping. I want to crawl into bed and die. I have 8 hours of school ahead of me. When I get home I am collapsing. COLLAPSING. I am a pain med fiend today, kind of goes against the holistic career I am creating for myself. I want a Jamba Juice today. Think I will get one.

Friday, May 8, 2009

I promise

by the end of the day to have a blog up that catches you all up on my mundane life. I mean I understand that not that many people care about this at all, but some odd reason I have guilt for not updating! I PROMISE to update you on my trip to Amityville, the horror house, boys in bands and grad school. All exciting topics I'm sure you will agree. Ooooo and all the fun, happy stuff that has happened this week!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4.29.09 or a couple open letters

Soooo I have a post all ready in my mind to go documenting a very interesting 4 days over the weekend, ending yesterday but I need to vent first. Then I will come back and do that post with photos mind you.

Dear Lady Who Cannot Control Her Children,
Do you see the waiting room? Do you see the size of this office? Since you do not this leads to my other question: Do you see a sandbox, monkey bars, or the soundproofing? Obviously not but it sure seems like you do. Nice fantasy world you live in. I'm glad you let your kids run rampant while the third one gets treated. Don't get me wrong, we have kids come in here all the time but THEIR parents are not complete and utter TOOLS with their parenting skills. I'm glad today you gave your daughter a piece of paper and a black marker and let her scribble all over the white couch in the waiting room. Can I tell you how fucking amazing it is that your kids go "I don't wanna wear my shoes" and you say "So take them off." Really lady? In a doctor's office? And I'm glad you let your son play in the closet. I don't even go in that closet if I can help it, that thing is so full of crap it's dangerous for adults. Oh and thank you for taking stuff out of it for your kid to play with. Which he then hit against the door of a treatment room with someone else in it who is NOT related to you. And I really love when he opens and then slams the patient room doors. And the jumping on the couch - brilliance, like a fucking trampoline. Makes for a good time for all. And please next time you want to make an appointment get a little more annoyed with me for not accommodating your schedule. You make everyone late every time you are here. I am not allowing you to come in on the busiest day of the week so that everyone has to suffer through your fucking children. And it really helps the calm, peaceful atmosphere we strive to create in the office when your children start to scream... and even more so when you start to scream back at them. Yeah I wonder where they get this behavior from. Maybe three kids is a little overwhelming, but you know what we have other moms with their kids in here and they behave. And do not expect me to entertain your brats. I like the children that are respectful and not obnoxious and rude. Some people should not breed... or maybe you should get some training which you can then pass on to your kids. If you will not sit your kids down, do not be angry when I do it myself.


And one more, to someone I know very well.

Dear Me,
I love that you are a smart cookie. I love that you are skeptical of things you are told until it is proven to be true. But I hate the fact that you get attached to people whom you have no business getting attached to. Stupid, stupid, stupid girl. You are jaded and cynical. People come to you for advice because you tell it like it is and don't sugarcoat shit. Now what the hell is your problem?!? Sometimes people are just people. You know well enough not to listen to pretty words, promises and appreciation. STOP BEING STUPID. Or you are just asking for a world of pain and you will have no one to blame but yourself.

And... can you please take it easy? We had surgery 4 weeks ago, yes technically, it has been awhile, but the doctor said you have a couple more months until you are fully healed. You have at least a month before you can do strenuous activities. So stop trying to do 20 hour days with no rest. We have already had to go to the ER once since surgery, which led to a 3 hour doctor visit, which is leading to another doctor visit, at another office, in another town because you have worried your doctor. Good job a-hole. You DON'T have to take care of everyone, all the time. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. That is the most important. You can't do anything if you are laid up in the hospital. And you start school next week... remember your life gets twice as busy then. REST STUPID.


Okay I'm glad I got that out about the mom. Man their visits annoy the hell out of me. Two apartments to look at tonight! I have no desire to pack. Whatsoever.

Monday, April 27, 2009

yeah yeah

so tomorrow i will write a better update.

can i just say that i hate guys sometimes? like most of the time. i wish i was super hot, it would be interesting to see the difference in treatment. not that i get treated like shit - but friendships are so fucking weird. i'm annoyed right now. i'm gonna go be lame in a corner and not talk to anyone anymore.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4.22.09 or Happy Earth Day!

Hello Beautiful!!! Courtesy of the NASA site. Happy Earth Day everyone!!!

90210 is garbage... how i love thee

After watching last night's trainwreck of a 90210 episode.

Dear people that write the script, tape the show and put it all together,
Do you not realize that you have serious issues with a time warp? It was first noticed when what's her face... give me a minute... Adrianna found out she was pregnant. In the episode preceding that she was in a very tiny bikini on the beach with Naomi. Remember? So go to the episode where she finds out she is pregnant and by the end of the episode she has a belly. Really? You do know that in a matter of hours you do not inflate with child correct? Maybe it's just me but something about that incident just did not work. And it was not a matter of months that these two episodes spanned, it was days. That is it.

Now on to last night's episode. This time warp issue is killing me. Donna finds the perfect boutique for her store. And the next day she is having an opening???? Don't try to tell me that it was a few days... cus then the Naomi plot you threw at me really does not make any sense. Nothing moves that fast, well maybe Donna threw money down and that was done but really? Her store was completely ready to be opened the following day - with a shindig thrown? I'm sorry but you must live in an imaginary world - or Beverly Hills really is that amazing and magical. DOUBT IT.

Oh and can we please discuss the disgusting, monkey sex that Naomi is having. I am 26 - at my age that's a damn good thought. Especially with the boy that has the hot car. He is delish and that car is super sexy, but in your television world they are 16! Are you kidding me? These two teenagers are so overwhelmed by lust that they had to do it in the forest and in a Chinese restaurant's bathroom... REALLY?? I mean I understand that in high school you have raging hormones - and I grew up in an area that was affluent and know all the crap that kids like that get in to but REALLY? Actual teenagers are watching this show - not just us 20 somethings trying to recapture the glory of Beverly Hills 90210. This is not the greatest message to put out in the world. I mean are you stupid! Kids will emulate what they see on tv and maybe a torrid love affair with random sex acts is not the smartest way to go about it.

And no matter how much I yell at the tv about how bad this show is, I will be there next Tuesday at 9pm. DAMN YOU for being so bad it's good. (No, it's really just that bad, like a train wreck and I cannot look away.) However I am still not buying what you are selling 90210 people in charge. Fix your retardedness.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Mamarazzi's Favorite Things Swap

This just seems super cool and I visited some of the sites that participated last time and decided I want to join in! The rules are simple enough:
c.Put together an amazing package filled with YOUR Favorite Things. This should be a package that you yourself would LOVE to receive (just to be don't fill it with the favorite things you already have you go buy new stuff and send a brand new tube of your favorite mascara, a new copy of your favorite book or movie etc. Everyone clear?).
d. The contents of package should cost no more than $30 but be at least $20 total (not counting shipping).
e. Send package ON Saturday May 23. (IF you need to send sooner please let me know, the purpose for everyone sending at the same time means everyone is receiving around the same time. This makes the most sense for posting and linking up as people receive their packages).

I'm excited!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Alphabet Meme... here goes.

Yeah the whole alphabet... it has been a shitty day and I cannot sleep. So why not bore the world with this meme and you can get to know me a bit better. And then later today I will tell you about how I want to escape my life and my relationship and about how I have a thing for someone that I should not.

The alphabet meme.




People who have fast cars and don't know how to fucking drive them. When people say they are going to do something and then don't do it. There are numerous answers to this A.

Lanolin, Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Codeine, Lithium, Aspirin, there might be more but I cannot remember them all.

I love my dogs. Love them. I love all animals. I want to own a rescue one day. I love polar bears and black panthers, they are my favorites.

I enjoy some Robin Williams and have developed the biggest thing for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is pretty freaking amazing and I love his indie movies.


No thank you, I will pass.

Best Friend:
Cassie for the last 8 years or so. She's like a sister and I miss her when she travels the world. River most of the time. And oddly enough, I will make mention of Mike, it has been a weird relationship for the last 6 years but as he said this evening - you never know sometimes friendships just happen and people get close. And he has turned into a fantastic bestie.

Best feeling in the world:
When my puppies cuddle me.

Best weather
That time in the spring when I can wear flip flops and a t-shirt and not be cold.

Been in love?
Yes, of course. Love hurts. I want that movie love that seems so unreal and unattainable.

Been bitched out?
On a regular basis... but I am wicked quick and sharp, it will be returned.

Been on stage?
Yep yep, I played violin for a few years and was in chorus for a long time.

Believe in life on other planets?
Of course, why the hell not.

Believe in miracles?
Gotta believe in something.

Believe in magic?
I like me some magic.

Believe in God?
I believe there is something there, but I don't know about this belief in a higher power that is so discriminatory.

Believe in Satan?
I believe in evil.

Believe in ghosts?
I want to be a ghost hunter.


Jamison, my Saturn. I love him.

Milkyways are delicious. Twizzlers and Gobstoppers make me happy too.

Black is my <3.>Cried in school?
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. Probably mostly in 2nd grade. The parents were divorcing and it was a rough time.

Chinese or Mexican food?
Yes please!

Cake or pie?
Depends on the mood. But I do enjoy some apple pie, or peach pie, or pumpkin pie with whipped cream and ice cream.

Countries to visit:
England, France, Germany, Holland, Amsterdam, Poland, Costa Rica, Australia, Thailand, Iceland, Canada, Argentina, fuck I'll pretty much go anywhere.


Day or night?
I am a night owl. But I do love the daytime.

Dream vehicle:
Hello 1967 Corvette. Or pretty much any Corvette before 1980.

Dance in the rain?
I'm down. Let's do this.

Dance in the middle of the street?
I'm ok with this. And yeah I do this all the time.



Over easy please with french toast and lots of syrup. Yummy times.

They are blue. Very pretty if I do say so myself.

Everyone has a
secret and a dream.

Ever failed a class?
Yep. Shameful.


First crush:
I don't remember anymore.

First thought waking up:

I do love food... yummy delicious.


Greatest fear:

Yes. I cannot stand when people chew like cows though.

Get along with parents?
No. Haven't seen my dad since I was 7 and my mom kicked me out when I was 17.

Good luck charms:
Not really. I have a tiger's eye/Chinese good luck coin that I like to wear.


Hair color:
Don't quite know what it is naturally, but I do have a gray streak that showed up when I was 21. I am currently in a red phase.


It depends on the day.

I am not a fan. Unless it is Halloween. I love Halloween, want to move to Salem, Mass just so I can be surrounded by Halloween.

Health freak?
Not in the least... I'm a veg now that's about as close as I have gotten to health.

In (guys/girls)

Eye color?
I like all colors. I do not discriminate based on eye color.

Hair color?
The dark hair gets my motor running.

Taller than me is the only requirement.

Clothing style?
I'm not picky.

Sense of humor and a caring soul is always nice.


Ice cream:
Not so fond, but I do enjoy ben and jerry's.

I like boys that play instruments, like guitars and drums.


I wear various necklaces and plastic rings. That's about it.

I work for a chiropractor as her office manager and assistant. I start grad school next month to become an acupuncturist.


No thank you, unless Dave Navarro shows up on my doorstep and says that he wants me to carry his. Otherwise I'm good with being the cool aunt.

Keep a journal?
I try, for the things that I don't write here. But I suck at that as well.


Longest car ride?
To Pittsburgh.... never again.

I love my friends, I love River, I love my dogs and I love Dave Navarro.

Laughed so hard you cried:

Love at first sight?
Yeah, I might be corny like that.


Milk flavor:
I hate milk... cows don't even drink milk so why do humans?

The Wizard of Oz, Grease, Across the Universe and now Adventureland.

Mooned anyone?
Of course, who hasn't?

No thank you.

Motion sickness?
Never. I'm that person that likes to read in the car.


Number of siblings:

2 brothers.

Number of piercings:
8 in my ears and 1 in my nose. I used to have and miss my: nipple rings, tongue ring, eyebrow ring, and labret.

71 - my fave. 67 -makes me happy.


Overused phrases:
Lame sauce, Fuck, I want a break.

One wish
To be successful.

One phobia
Snakes and drowning.


Place you'd like to live
Salem, MA. San Diego, CA.

Pepsi or coke?
Dr. Pepper.


Huh? What?


Reason to cry:
Everyone has their own.

Reality tv?
I like RockStar with Dave. and pretty much everything on Bravo.

Radio station:
I stay away cus they mostly suck. But I do dig the classic rock station here.

Roll your tongue in a circle
My tongue does nothing exciting, I have no tricks.


Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, anything by Goo Goo Dolls

Love it!!!!!!!!! With some seaweed salad, sounds like a perfect meal.

Skipped school?

Slept outside?
It's been a long time but I like camping.

Seen a dead body?
A few and I did not enjoy it.

Skinny dipped>
nope, no way. not me, ever.

Shower daily?
I do, I love showers.

Sing well?
Not at all

Sing in the shower?

Have you read this at all? Like a sailor or actually worse than.

Strawberries or blueberries?
Strawberries. I spent a lot of time picking them off the bush and vine while growing up on a farm.

Scientists need to invent
Cures for cancer and AIDS and the money tree.


Time for bed:
Whenever my eyes start to shut, or when the sleeping pill kicks in.

LOVE THEM, the louder the better.


I can be.

Under the influence:
In high school. I have never been drunk though. Came close a few weeks ago, but nope.


Vegetable you hate:
Peas and lima beans

Vegetable you love
Carrots, broccoli, peppers

Vacation spot:
I've been to Hawaii, California and Mass. I like a place with some history where I can walk around and enjoy the scenery.


My puppies. Going to good shows, boys with tattoos

Which one of your friends acts the most like you?
I don't think any of them. Cassie probably comes the closest.

Who makes you laugh the most?
River, Cassie,

Worst feeling:
Talking to my mother

Wanted to be a model?
Imma be a Suicide Girl, but I hate photos. Ironic I must say.

Where do we go when we die?
Who the hell knows

Worst weather:
When it's so hot you sweat just sitting.

Walk with a book on your head?
I don't see why not.


I had an accident once and I lost count after the 35th xray. All I know is the tech got yelled at for moving me around so much. I've had TONS of x-rays.


Had that on my walls once... big mistake.


Zoo animals.
I don't like animals in cages but I figure they are taken care of a whole lot better than the ones in the puppy stores.

Zodiac sign?

Cancer. Through and through.