Saturday, July 4, 2009

a few moments in my life

So this is really embarrassing but so funny I must share. The other day I was sitting around with River and one of our friends and was like "let's play some left for dead or some Halo". We were bored and I thought a rousing game of killing zombies would be ideal. So of course, we start to get all the xbox remotes out and the game. This is where it gets embarrassing... there weren't enough batteries for all the remotes. So of course River is all "I know they were in there, where the hell did they go?" At this point, I have to hang my head in shame, run upstairs and come back down with said batteries. They both look at me and knew EXACTLY where I went to get the batteries from.
My rabbit needed carrots... LMAO


Bird Shit said...

LOL that's embarrassing but funny

rachaelgking said...

Ahahahahaha!!! I LOVE it!!!

Sparkling Red said...

Oh, that's special. Ha! :-)