Friday, June 19, 2009

Mama Kat Wednesday on Friday

Yeah I know that it's Friday but better late than never? Does that work? I hope so. Please believe me I would have done this on Wednesday had I not been taking midterms and trying hard not to kill myself for going back to school. What was I thinking?

So here is prompt one from this week:

1.) Grab your current read. Let the book fall open to a random page and share two “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

"She would receive me in a marvelous housecoat. Very proper and very elegant, but without any makeup and she was ravishing"

It sounds kinda dirty don't it. But it is not. It's from the book True Grace by Wendy Leigh about Grace Kelly. So far I'm loving it.

Now go hang out with Mama Kat, she's hysterical and has great kids (most days LOL) and she wants to be on Ellen! Ok I dont know what the hell is up with my blogger so I will give you the link typed out... stupid blogger.


KatBouska said...

Aww thanks for the love! It DOES sound like a juicy book. ;) And I agree, Blogger can sometimes be a giant pain the rear!

Heather said...

I'm so glad you choose this prompt because I was the inspiration. I play along with MizB of Should Be Reading {dot} wordpress {dot} com. You should play along too. This is a great teaser!