Saturday, June 27, 2009

Such ugly layouts

Ok can someone tell me where I can find better layouts? Blogger layouts suck and it really really makes me want to go over to my wordpress blog and make that super active. LOL...


Jenners said...

Hi! If you ask me, I'd go to Wordpress. I wish I'd started there ... I found Blogger first and have regretted it ever since. So if you have the option, I would exercise it!

That said, you can get lots of other Blogger templates at places like:

Well, if you Google it, you'll find tons. Just start from scratch and it will be easier to build from the ground up rather than establish yourself and then change. Trust me. I know from experiences.

And you had asked "how can i put a link to my a-z list on the side as well?". What you do is:

Click on Customize.
Click on Page Elements.
Click on Add A Gadget to the sidebar you want to add it to.
Choose "Add a Picture" from the gadget list that shows up.
For Title: Put name of challenge or whatever you want.
For caption: type what you want. It will appear below picture. I list the number of challenges I've completed -- like 5/10
For link: Copy and paste the complete URL for the page you want to link to when people click on the picture. This would be where you list what you've done for the A to Z Challenge.
Then browse on your computer and put the A to Z graphic into the image part.
Then click SAVE and it should work. You might have to move the gadget up or down to place it where you like it but that it is pretty much it.

Hope this helps!

Bird Shit said...

I went to They have a bunch on there