Friday, June 5, 2009

Moving sucks arse

Well it has been an eventful week. We moved. From our box of an apartment with a backyard, to what can technically be called a small house. We have the 2nd and 3rd floors of a house in a new area. I'm sure I've gone over the description but it's pretty fucking sweet. Not gonna lie about it. Though packing sucks and unpacking sucks more, especially when you have so much space. However I now have my own room and River has his own room. Mine is full of bookcases and will be for me to study. River's is full of his action figures and dvd's. We are way too selfish to think about kids or anything else LOL.

And puppy, in the middle of it all of course has an emergency.

Yeah so he got a spider/mosquito/bee/gopher bite which he must have messed with that then abscessed and he ripped open. So the vet had to open it more, clean it out, shave his head and put an e-collar on him. That is my brilliant puppy. He is miserable but healing. Back to the vet on Monday and hopefully all will be well. Damn dog. And he had a reaction to the sedatives they pumped into him so he had the runs ALL night and when I say all night I mean we were walking at 3am so he could pee out his butt. I love him though and wouldn't trade him for the world. My poor baby.

Did I say that I aced my quizzes last week? Oh well I did! Took a bio quiz yesterday, did better than the first one but that's probably not saying much. Had to drop Tai Chi, cus my abdomen is just not healed enough yet to handle that class. Makes me sad. But I will take it again in a few semesters. Today I need to go home and dedicate myself to studying. I missed most of my classes this week due to flu-like symptoms that knocked me on my ass. Actually knocked me onto the couch for 20 or so hours.

Back to work now!


Bird Shit said...

congrats on your quizzes!
your poor doggie, he looks so sad w/ the cone over his head...but a little funny LOL

Suzy said...

Love me some goo goo dolls.