Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So, last night, as I was watching 90210... yeah I said it 90210. Judge me, you can't be a harsher critic than I am to myself. LOL. This show is awful, pure garbage. Ridiculously bad and yet I will not/cannot stop watching it. My friend and I text message each other back and forth during the whole thing about how unrealistic and stupid and bad the show is and yet every week at 8pm we are in front of the tv watching. And then last night we come to the point where we are about to give it up and the previews come on and we're sucked back in. It's a train wreck and I need to watch. I need more Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth and where the hell did Nat go? The Peach Pit was in one episode. I really need Beverly Hills 90210, 10 years later. For reals.

And then I fire up the DVR, cus I know I have stuff on there and the tv is really the only thing left in my apartment for me to keep my attention. All my books are packed. So there is My Own Worst Enemy. Interesting concept for a show, but it's pretty bad. I have found myself drifting to other thoughts when that show is on... but I watch it for one reason and one reason only. CHRISTIAN SLATER. If you don't know where "greetings and salutations" comes from, it is from Heathers. The movie with CHRISTIAN SLATER. I am a die hard Slater fan. Love the man, he can do no wrong in my eyes. And is it just me or does he not age? So yeah the show... I'm glad he is back in the spotlight a little bit, but the show needs some work. And like 90210, I will watch until both shows are cancelled.

Now a good show, Criminal Minds, that show does not disappoint. Neither does Law and Order SVU or Ugly Betty. I like tv, seems I'm a bit addicted.

Tonight is the first night in the new apartment!!! Woot!


Dianne said...

I shall confess!! I have 90210 on my DVR. It is so bad that it is fabulous LOL

Happy first night in new place :)