Thursday, August 28, 2008

Funny Stuff

I'm glad to hear that some people have realized what a douche bag that GUY is. Still the greatest blog I have ever written, EVER. But I am glad that his true colors are starting to show and people are realizing what they didn't before. Trust me it only gets worse... I know what happens when he dates her. LOL can't wait for karma to kick him in the ass AGAIN. O good times.

On to other things... I am going to try acupuncture. I hate needles but I am desperate to not take anymore hormone shots and I want surgery to REALLY be the LAST resort. So one more ultrasound and some acupuncture. Maybe that will help alleviate the endometriosis... crossing my fingers.

Made my therapist appointment today... woohoo. Took the pretty blue pill last night... unlike last time where it made me so tired I could barely move, I was up all night. ALL NIGHT. All together maybe 2 hours of sleep. Sigh. Hopefully I will pass out tonight after I watch Obama.

Off to do more work... can't wait for September 12th! Going away for the whole weekend! Yay.