Saturday, April 11, 2009

Catching up... Prompt Tuesday #49

Yeah so it's not Tuesday and this was 2 Tuesday's ago over at San Diego Momma. So shoot me. I had surgery that day and was passed out for 3 days after. But I just like this prompt so much that I decided I had to do it. Though it might reveal way tooooooo much about my crazy.

The prompt is to pull something out of your purse/wallet and tell a story about it. So there are two things, that go hand in hand, that get moved from wallet to wallet. Depending on my mood and my desire to have these new cool wallets I see. Besides the normal mundane, boring credit cards and money that move I have a guitar pick and a cigarette butt. Yeah it's grimy and I DON'T CARE. Who's are they do you ask? Oh well they are Dave Navarro's. Yeah I'm a fucking freak. This I know. They are from one of the shows he played with The Panic Channel in May of 2007. I was given the pick and I soooo grabbed the cigarette butt. Wow, I'm a little ashamed of myself. But anywho, I have the man's autograph tattooed to my arm why not carry a little more of him everywhere I go! I cannot tell you what it is about him for even I do not know...

*Hangs head in shame* Maybe I should not post this. LOLOLOLOL