Tuesday, December 2, 2008


is upon us, already. I cannot believe how fast the time has flown this year. Seems crazy, but every year goes faster. The holiday was a good time. The in-laws have officially moved to Florida, sad but at the same time exciting. For the first time in 5 years, River and I live together. None of his family, in an apartment to ourselves and the pups. It has been fantastic so far. We finished the kitchen on Friday, it looks good. Functional and much larger without all the crap in the way. The whole apartment is coming along nicely. It will serve its purpose. And when the weather gets warmer, I will make the backyard wonderful too!

So... my goal this week is to stay away from the phone. I will not call or text this person, if they want to talk to me then they can get in touch with me. I must follow through. And I must write and write a lot because then my mind will be clear of all the crap that is currently running through it. And hopefully I will be able to sleep without medical intervention. Omg, I cannot wait to take some sleep medication this evening. At like 8pm LOL. I really just want to sleep. Think I will go home and take a nap during my break as well. Gotta pick up the happy blue pills today. Which I do believe are working quite nicely. I haven't had a "dark" day in awhile. And what would usually push me over the edge has not affected me as much.

I wish I had more interesting things to talk about but I do not. Now I must return to work.


Jo said...

You have an interesting blog. In fact, I think you have an interesting life.

I just read your post about ABC cancelling Dirty, Sexy Money. They also cancelled Life on Mars. Who's running that place, anyway?