Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it Snow!

Taken on my very cold and snowy walk to the light rail station yesterday. As the snow came down on a slant in my face. All this snow has put me in a festive mood... well almost. I enjoyed watching my puppy experience his first snow, running around and going crazy. He loves this weather... just goes to prove that I really do believe he is part mountain dog. It was a lovely evening to stay home, read, write, listen to music and drink hot chocolate with vanilla marshmallows... and that's exactly what I did. River had to work but I enjoyed the quiet LOL.

These are my brats... they get tired after all the excitement. What a life. That is Trooper, my beagle, farther from the front and Max, my almost 10 month old puppy mutt in your face. I love them... LOVE them. My little family is complete now that Max has joined us. Even if he does follow me EVERYWHERE, like a little canine train. And knocks everything over because he does not realize that his tail is attached to his ass... which he continues to chase and bite like an idiot. Sigh... they are my <3.

I feel like I am having a skinny day today. Which is quite nice if I do say so myself. Now I return to work. More later


Jo said...

Okay, those are officially the cutest dogs I have ever seen. Isn't it amazing how dogs love playing in the snow, as well?

A skinny day? Oh, gosh, I would love one of those!

Enjoy the snow. It's snowing here in Vancouver too. We have snow on our palm trees. *sigh* It looks beautiful though.