Thursday, July 17, 2008

Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness

Thank you Billy Corgan for that.

I do not know why today I feel so sad. Maybe it is because my Uncle Andy was buried today and I did not attend. I love you Uncle Andy and wish I had made it but it was not in the cards. I don't think I could have handled it in the least. Especially without River.

I wish I understood what brings on these bouts. It can't be seasonal disorder, even though I am worse in the winter but I just get these too often for it to be that. The sun is shining, the day is very warm and yet I still feel sad. I guess shit happens LOL.

The job thing has become very interesting with no clear cut definition or offer on the table. We shall see what happens in the coming days.

6 days to vacation. O thank something. I need this... bad. I need to escape from all the bullshit and drama of my life and forget it all for 10 whole days! I really need to start figuring out what I need before then. Hmmmm....

This was a random and boring blog. Took a spin class yesterday... it hurts to walk today. LOLOL


L said...

People go through bouts like that sometimes. It'll pass. You have every reason to feel sad today.