Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just a quickie

I am meaning to put up some pictures from our weekend in Salem and I will put up a picture of my poor puppy in his E-collar. He was neutered on Monday and is super unhappy right now. Just been busy with life. Working a whole lot. I just realized that I have two days off in a row... Sunday and Monday... that is nice. Next week I go in for a bunch of tests and doctor appointments. I have also started the NAET technique with my boss. It is super interesting and an experiment so far. More on that later as well, as I get farther into it. You can look it up if you want under NAET... it is an allergy elimination technique.
I am not loving my restaurant job anymore... but I adore my co-workers. But the situation might change soon and I will love my job again. I will be back later with some fun pictures... like the Parker Brothers mansion and the "Clue" house.