Friday, November 21, 2008

Damn you ABC...

So today I'm on aol reading some news articles and what do I see? ABC has canceled Dirty, Sexy Money. I LOVE that show. LOVE it, I say. ABC, have you seen the quality of Grey's Anatomy? I mean I adore Grey's but the storyline SUCKS. Seriously, Denny? Again? And you kick off the lesbian relationship, yet you state that Callie is still a lesbian... not so much if she is still boning men in the on-call room. Ridiculous. Lame sauce... for reals. Keep Dirty, Sexy Money... please?

In other news, who am I kidding? There isn't much other news. River's dad flew in on Wednesday so right now both his parents are living with us. LOL. A little insane and tense but getting through it. They will leave on Black Friday for Florida. And then River and I will live with our two dogs... all alone. Thank something.

Life is confusing, my heart is at war with my mind. But that is not for this blog or for the world to know about. Sigh.

Sam is home! For the next 3 weeks. Fantastic good time. I am going to miss him when he has to ship out to Virginia and he leaves on the destroyer. Please keep him safe.