Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Skinny Days

i LOVE skinny days. it's pretty effing nice today. Well now that my pseudo period bitch is gone, things are feeling a bit better. for the first time in 3 weeks... yes it took 3 weeks for the bitch to finally show up, try to kill me and leave... i do not feel like a fat bloated cow. or maybe it's the pointy black heels with my new jeans and black shirt. i'm so edgy and hip today LOL.

Suicide Girls has started taking over my life. I do believe that on Friday, my birthday, hint hint, that I am going to do my first set. Trying not to think about it too much because I don't want to freak myself out. Not about my birthday, about the stripping down to my nothingness and displaying the goods for naked, but tasteful pictures. I have all the faith in the world in Sx, who is taking the pics. And she knows not to let me see them until she has photoshopped the hell out of them. Or I will cry and hate myself and not celebrate my birthday. Thank god i like my vagina or I would up shit's creek trying to do this. LMAO... yeah I just laughed out loud in my office. Scared a couple of old ladies. I look like a crazy person now. But anyways, I really like this having a whole other persona on there. I mean, at the end of the day, it's just me but still. Most people don't know my real name, don't know jack shit about me actually and it's nice. I like making friends. Or whatever you call these internet relationships. Haha... I would tell you about one amazing encounter but I don't think that would be accepted here. I need myself an X-rated blog for these things that go on SG sometimes.

Whoa I'm tired. I just zoned out for like 5 minutes. Ok back to work my loves. Leave me some sugar.


L said...

I need a skinny day. I'm eating mac and cheese right now, which isn't helping.

Organic Meatbag said...

One time I showed up and asked this girl to photograph me for SGs, and she said "Dude, get the fuck out of here"... and I went home and had a Snickers bar... that's how I spent that day...