Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mama Kat

If you click on that title right below it will take you to Mama's Losin' It, I LOVE her blogs and her fun writing assignments. So this week I will actually do one on time! Woot!

Your Assignment, Should You Choose To Accept

For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to see what you wrote.

Feel free to write on more than one prompt if you so desire. I do it all the time, but it's my game...and I don't know how to it should be expected. And remember the more comment love you give, the more comment love you get so comment comment away.

The Prompts:

1.) Tell us about a "dirt cheap" you've taken this summer.
(inspired by Anti-Supermom)

2.) When I grow up I want to be like...
(inspired by Jenny Says What?)

3.) Describe a difficult moment that you survived.
(inspired by Sarah M.)

4.) List 5 things you like to do while camping...or 5 places you'd like to go.
(inspired by Kisatrtle)

5.) What are you paranoid about?
(inspired by Melissa)

I think I might do more than one, yeah I'm feeling ambitious. Crazy stuff I know... let me get through at least one and then we will talk about another one.

5 Places I'd Like to Go:
This reminds me of a thing my friend sent me yesterday... hang on let me find it... here we go:

TFLN: (917): yea..i want to get out of new york for a bit too but for the love of god not to new jersey. that's like getting tired of the stripclub and getting yourself a toothless prostitute.

I'm not one for posting up from the texts from last night but my god that is funny. I love a good Jersey joke. That being said, this is the list of places I would want to go that are not Jersey:
1. Salem, Mass. (I love this place, it's like my second home. Be there in 9 days)
2. Savannah, Georgia (Ghost stories and plantation homes. Very much so)
3. Europe - specifically England, Amsterdam and Germany
4. New Orleans (not during Mardi Gras)
5. Oregon (the birthplace of Traditional Chinese Medicine in America)

This list could go on for days. Let's see how many I can see. I get a month off in between semesters. I would like to set a goal to go somewhere new each break.

OOOOO... I'm gonna do it.
What am I paranoid about?

So we moved last month as I have previously written about, not exciting. However there is a bridge that I have to drive over back and forth to get from home to work. I hate bridges as it is but this bridge is one of those ones that opens up for passing boats. Let me tell you nothing is worse than sitting on that skinny bridge, next to an 18 wheeler, waiting for that bridge to go down. Instant panic attacks that the bridge will collapse, I will fall to my death, the road will be slippery from rain and there I go right off the edge... etc. Oh and let me just mention that a couple years ago, the sister bridge next to it was open one night and now it's named after the EMT's that went over cus they didn't realize it was open and died. In the winter. I travel these bridges at all times of the day. Freaks me the hell out.

Oh and also now that I am back in school and taking tests again I have this weird paranoia. This really came up during midterms. I go in to these tests and I'm all like "yeah I studied, I'm going to do well". And then I do (maybe this confidence is just in my head) but when I leave and until I get the test back I get this crazy panic feeling that I marked the wrong answers to everything. Like I looked at the test, knew the answer was B and put C cus my brain and my writing hand don't work well together. LOLOL.

Ok, I feel accomplished this week. Feeling good.