Saturday, January 24, 2009

The drive to do more

From Time Magazine. photo by Callie Shell

Calm, quiet, serene, how many more words can I think of for the same one? This is right before he steps out onto the platform. I imagine he is gathering his thoughts, embracing the historic moment he is about to take part in and thinking about how much he loves his family. I know that it is a lot to think this man will make it all better but after 8 years of incompetence, it cannot get much worse. I hope that change is coming. I am putting my support behind him. I am on the Obama train. I am scared that he will not make it through the four years and I hope when he is re-elected in 2012 that I can come back to this and say I was being silly. I am nervous for his well-being and his life. However, I feel like we are now in competent hands. And I'm not going to lie I am super excited for him to overturn the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. What a stupid fucking policy.

I feel that with all of this excitement over the new President and his total awesomeness, that I should be doing more. I am going to get off my butt and stick to my goals. I will not be held back anymore. Thank you President Obama (it makes me tingle to say that). I mean I felt some sadness as Bush got in the helicopter and flew away, but Texas, he is all yours. KEEP HIM. And does anyone else like to say Obama as much as I do, I think it sounds fun coming off the tongue.


Mr Redbanks said...

That is a great picture.