Yeah the whole alphabet... it has been a shitty day and I cannot sleep. So why not bore the world with this meme and you can get to know me a bit better. And then later today I will tell you about how I want to escape my life and my relationship and about how I have a thing for someone that I should not.
The alphabet meme.
People who have fast cars and don't know how to fucking drive them. When people say they are going to do something and then don't do it. There are numerous answers to this A.
Lanolin, Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Codeine, Lithium, Aspirin, there might be more but I cannot remember them all.
I love my dogs. Love them. I love all animals. I want to own a rescue one day. I love polar bears and black panthers, they are my favorites.
I enjoy some Robin Williams and have developed the biggest thing for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is pretty freaking amazing and I love his indie movies.
No thank you, I will pass.
Best Friend:
Cassie for the last 8 years or so. She's like a sister and I miss her when she travels the world. River most of the time. And oddly enough, I will make mention of Mike, it has been a weird relationship for the last 6 years but as he said this evening - you never know sometimes friendships just happen and people get close. And he has turned into a fantastic bestie.
Best feeling in the world:
When my puppies cuddle me.
Best weather
That time in the spring when I can wear flip flops and a t-shirt and not be cold.
Been in love?
Yes, of course. Love hurts. I want that movie love that seems so unreal and unattainable.
Been bitched out?
On a regular basis... but I am wicked quick and sharp, it will be returned.
Been on stage?
Yep yep, I played violin for a few years and was in chorus for a long time.
Believe in life on other planets?
Of course, why the hell not.
Believe in miracles?
Gotta believe in something.
Believe in magic?
I like me some magic.
Believe in God?
I believe there is something there, but I don't know about this belief in a higher power that is so discriminatory.
Believe in Satan?
I believe in evil.
Believe in ghosts?
I want to be a ghost hunter.
Jamison, my Saturn. I love him.
Milkyways are delicious. Twizzlers and Gobstoppers make me happy too.
Black is my <3.>Cried in school?
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. Probably mostly in 2nd grade. The parents were divorcing and it was a rough time.
Chinese or Mexican food?
Yes please!
Cake or pie?
Depends on the mood. But I do enjoy some apple pie, or peach pie, or pumpkin pie with whipped cream and ice cream.
Countries to visit:
England, France, Germany, Holland, Amsterdam, Poland, Costa Rica, Australia, Thailand, Iceland, Canada, Argentina, fuck I'll pretty much go anywhere.
Day or night?
I am a night owl. But I do love the daytime.
Dream vehicle:
Hello 1967 Corvette. Or pretty much any Corvette before 1980.
Dance in the rain?
I'm down. Let's do this.
Dance in the middle of the street?
I'm ok with this. And yeah I do this all the time.
Over easy please with french toast and lots of syrup. Yummy times.
They are blue. Very pretty if I do say so myself.
Everyone has a
secret and a dream.
Ever failed a class?
Yep. Shameful.
First crush:
I don't remember anymore.
First thought waking up:
I do love food... yummy delicious.
Greatest fear:
Yes. I cannot stand when people chew like cows though.
Get along with parents?
No. Haven't seen my dad since I was 7 and my mom kicked me out when I was 17.
Good luck charms:
Not really. I have a tiger's eye/Chinese good luck coin that I like to wear.
Hair color:
Don't quite know what it is naturally, but I do have a gray streak that showed up when I was 21. I am currently in a red phase.
It depends on the day.
I am not a fan. Unless it is Halloween. I love Halloween, want to move to Salem, Mass just so I can be surrounded by Halloween.
Health freak?
Not in the least... I'm a veg now that's about as close as I have gotten to health.
In (guys/girls)
Eye color?
I like all colors. I do not discriminate based on eye color.
Hair color?
The dark hair gets my motor running.
Taller than me is the only requirement.
Clothing style?
I'm not picky.
Sense of humor and a caring soul is always nice.
Ice cream:
Not so fond, but I do enjoy ben and jerry's.
I like boys that play instruments, like guitars and drums.
I wear various necklaces and plastic rings. That's about it.
I work for a chiropractor as her office manager and assistant. I start grad school next month to become an acupuncturist.
No thank you, unless Dave Navarro shows up on my doorstep and says that he wants me to carry his. Otherwise I'm good with being the cool aunt.
Keep a journal?
I try, for the things that I don't write here. But I suck at that as well.
Longest car ride?
To Pittsburgh.... never again.
I love my friends, I love River, I love my dogs and I love Dave Navarro.
Laughed so hard you cried:
Love at first sight?
Yeah, I might be corny like that.
Milk flavor:
I hate milk... cows don't even drink milk so why do humans?
The Wizard of Oz, Grease, Across the Universe and now Adventureland.
Mooned anyone?
Of course, who hasn't?
No thank you.
Motion sickness?
Never. I'm that person that likes to read in the car.
Number of siblings:
2 brothers.
Number of piercings:
8 in my ears and 1 in my nose. I used to have and miss my: nipple rings, tongue ring, eyebrow ring, and labret.
71 - my fave. 67 -makes me happy.
Overused phrases:
Lame sauce, Fuck, I want a break.
One wish
To be successful.
One phobia
Snakes and drowning.
Place you'd like to live
Salem, MA. San Diego, CA.
Pepsi or coke?
Dr. Pepper.
Huh? What?
Reason to cry:
Everyone has their own.
Reality tv?
I like RockStar with Dave. and pretty much everything on Bravo.
Radio station:
I stay away cus they mostly suck. But I do dig the classic rock station here.
Roll your tongue in a circle
My tongue does nothing exciting, I have no tricks.
Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, anything by Goo Goo Dolls
Love it!!!!!!!!! With some seaweed salad, sounds like a perfect meal.
Skipped school?
Slept outside?
It's been a long time but I like camping.
Seen a dead body?
A few and I did not enjoy it.
Skinny dipped>
nope, no way. not me, ever.
Shower daily?
I do, I love showers.
Sing well?
Not at all
Sing in the shower?
Have you read this at all? Like a sailor or actually worse than.
Strawberries or blueberries?
Strawberries. I spent a lot of time picking them off the bush and vine while growing up on a farm.
Scientists need to invent
Cures for cancer and AIDS and the money tree.
Time for bed:
Whenever my eyes start to shut, or when the sleeping pill kicks in.
LOVE THEM, the louder the better.
I can be.
Under the influence:
In high school. I have never been drunk though. Came close a few weeks ago, but nope.
Vegetable you hate:
Peas and lima beans
Vegetable you love
Carrots, broccoli, peppers
Vacation spot:
I've been to Hawaii, California and Mass. I like a place with some history where I can walk around and enjoy the scenery.
My puppies. Going to good shows, boys with tattoos
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?
I don't think any of them. Cassie probably comes the closest.
Who makes you laugh the most?
River, Cassie,
Worst feeling:
Talking to my mother
Wanted to be a model?
Imma be a Suicide Girl, but I hate photos. Ironic I must say.
Where do we go when we die?
Who the hell knows
Worst weather:
When it's so hot you sweat just sitting.
Walk with a book on your head?
I don't see why not.
I had an accident once and I lost count after the 35th xray. All I know is the tech got yelled at for moving me around so much. I've had TONS of x-rays.
Had that on my walls once... big mistake.
Zoo animals.
I don't like animals in cages but I figure they are taken care of a whole lot better than the ones in the puppy stores.
Zodiac sign?
Cancer. Through and through.