Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A book and an update

Chill October by John Millais 1870
"So the lion fell in love with the lamb" - corny I know yet I cannot stop reading. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's Twilight the book by Stephenie Meyer. She has a lot of e's in her name. Yeah, so I held out as long as I could but I gave in to the curiosity. I understand the comparison to the Harry Potter phenomenon but in no way do these books equal each other. I'm hands down all about Harry Potter, better character development, better plot, better storyline and even though it is all about wizardry I find it more believable. Twilight jumps too far ahead at moments that it leaves me with the "yeah right" sensation. And the that's totally unbelievable feeling. Her take on vampires and the updating of the lore is interesting and I like it better than they burn up in the sun and can't control themselves. I also think this book could be longer, now you look at the book on the shelf at the bookstore and you say "wow that is a long book". Not so my friends, the font is huge. Then again I am used to reading a ton of books with small print for school, but even Harry Potter had smaller print. So, I think she could have made the print smaller and filled in some details that need to be elaborated on. I'm about halfway through and am anxious to keep going. I believe I will go buy the second book today.
I have so much to read right now... there is so much sitting on my night stand. Besides the magazines that seem to never stop arriving, I have my NAET book to finish, a book on vegetarianism and the book I need to pick up on acupuncture. So much to do!!!
I feel like crap today... my body has shut down on me with my hormone clearing. Or maybe it is just the change of weather that has me feeling like arse. I have a head cold/sinus infection and my lady of the month (which really comes every two weeks since coming off hormone treatments) is currently trying to kill me. I'm in a daze and would really like to curl up in bed with my heating pad and my doodles.
Still worried about the next few weeks, but at the end of the day what can I do? I really need to start looking for a place to stay, especially if River moves to Florida. Which in the grand scheme of things is starting to look like the best plan. Sigh. I will be super lonely with him and the doodles in Florida.
Now back to work, you can tell I'm super busy correct?


Sparkling Red said...

Once I got so stressed out by the pressure of all the books waiting to be read on my shelves that I boxed them up and gave them all away. Of course, they started to build up again pretty quick-like.

I hope you feel better soon!