Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Angry Sigh

I do believe I will commit puppycide by week's end. He is teething... his puppy teeth are falling out and he is destroying everything. EVERYTHING. Today he ate my birthday presents from River. Then again if the one thing I wanted had been framed like I asked then it wouldn't be eaten. But some things are just too fucking difficult to ask for. I'm so angry right now I can't even think.

I know that there are people coming on here cus I see the number go up and I know that someone goes on here like 5 times a day. Leave a comment and some love. Cus it's just stalking and weird otherwise.


Anonymous said...

im just that obsessed with your life, jk youre on my feedreader ;) i tried leaving comments before but there is too much work, i have to enter a word verification and those things can be worse than solving the da vinci code